What Is A Whiplash Injury?
A whiplash injury occurs when your neck is rapidly moved backward and then forward, straining the connecting muscles and tissues. Auto collisions are the most common cause of the injury. In most cases, symptoms are not always easy to detect. You may not realize you have sustained an injury until months after a car accident.
McKechnie & Company has extensive experience in negotiating whiplash injury claims with ICBC in Vancouver and throughout British Columbia. Our lawyers use this knowledge to effectively evaluate your situation, build your case, and settle with ICBC.
Evaluating Your Injury
You may not be aware of the potential effects of a whiplash injury. The most common signs of a whiplash injury are stiffness of the muscles, limited range of motion, headaches, and neck and back tenderness.
Proving that you have a solid claim for compensation can be difficult and can depend upon many factors, some of which – such as the diligence with which you follow your doctor’s advice – may not seem obvious but may be significant. This is why it is essential to seek the advice of an experienced personal injury law firm.
Principled Resolutions For You
Our goal is to make sure your matter is resolved quickly, fairly, and economically. We have experience working for the ICBC on insurance claims. This knowledge lets us pursue realistic claims for you in a reasonable timeframe.
We will use alternative methods to litigation to negotiate a fair settlement that protects your interests. If your matter goes to court, we will use our experience litigating matters with ICBC to benefit you. Because we understand both sides of the argument, we can more effectively move your claim to a resolution.
Get Legal Advice Now
Don’t let any more time pass between your accident and any potential injuries sustained. Call McKechnie & Company today at 604-800-2690 or toll-free at 877-393-3469 for legal advice. You can also request a meeting through email using our online form.