Determining The Value Of Your Personal Injury Claim
This is one of the most common questions raised by clients who have recently been injured in a motor vehicle accident. The answer is that the value of a claim is determined by the details and facts of the accident and the resulting injuries, which are different in every situation.
With over 75 years of combined legal experience, the lawyers of McKechnie & Company know how the Courts approach the determination of the worth of a personal injury claim. We also know what to anticipate from an insurer by way of a response to such a claim and how to deal appropriately with the insurer to obtain the best settlement or litigated outcome.
Identifying and Evaluating Different Types Of Losses
Based upon the circumstances of the accident, your personal circumstances before and after it, and medical opinions from your doctors concerning the medical consequences flowing from it, our lawyers can provide you with advice concerning the range of monetary damages a court is likely to award you, from “general” damages (damages for pain and suffering) to damages for loss of past or future income and for the other “heads of damage” for which the courts of British Columbia typically make compensatory awards.
Optimal Outcomes
While we will develop a strategy to pursue optimal compensation amounts, we will also provide you with a realistic outlook of what you can reasonably expect in your situation. Our objective is to secure a fair settlement for you at the earliest possible time to allow you to put the matter behind you and get on with life and to minimize the emotional and financial burden that accompanies litigation.
Our experience with ICBC allow our firm to anticipate how the insurance company will challenge your claims, and we can provide you with legal strategies to fight back.
Past medical history, changes in your post-accident day-to-day routines and what constitutes reasonable recovery expenses all influence the position ICBC takes on your claim.
Speak With Our Team Now
McKechnie & Company serves Vancouver and clients throughout British Columbia. Call us at 604-800-2690 or toll-free at 877-393-3469. You can also arrange a meeting by email using our online form.